Year Of Establishment : 2016
Courses Offered: D. EL . ED
Affiliated To: WBBPE
Recognized By : N.C.T.E
Our Mission
Quality improvement in teachers education. The college intends to provide competency based and commitment oriented teacher education for quality school education so that professionalism can be of great help in Teacher Education. The competency areas will include the following:
Contextual Competencies comprising a wider view of the development of education in society and teachers' role in it.
- Conceptual Competencies - Including various concepts of education and learning.
- Transactional Competencies- Competencies related to ICT (Information Communication technology) based teaching learning.
- Transactional Competencies- Evaluation competencies- Competencies related to community contact and co-operation for value components in Teacher Education. All these teachers' competencies are to be developed during teacher training. Moreover, teaching being a profession, the following important areas of commitments will be covered in the teacher education curriculum: commitments to -
- 1.The Learner
- 2.The Society
- 3.Attaining excellence for professional actions and
- 4.Basic values
Thus the vision of college is to improve all the three major factors of quality concerned in teacher Education, namely, input, process and output.
Our Vision
- To emerge as a Centre of excellence in the field of Teacher Education through face to face mode.
- To help the students' for steady acquisition of physical, Intellectual, Moral habits and taking their hearts into the motto, "Self-reverence , Self-knowledge, Self-control ,these three alone lead life to sovereign power".
India is one of the leading nations among the developing countries. One of the key factors behind this progress is, ofcourse, Education.
It is a well known fact that the number of people aspiring for higher education far outnumber the number of oppurtunities available. By opening new and varied openings we hope to be able to redress the balance and provide meritorius students an opportunity to pursue their dreams.
It is a well known fact that the number of people aspiring for higher education far outnumber the number of oppurtunities available. By opening new and varied openings we hope to be able to redress the balance and provide meritorius students an opportunity to pursue their dreams.
At the same time we also act as a much needed arm of the university who aspire to reach a student community beyond the geographic boundaries of their respective countries.
Sarasawati Online specializes in identifying, developing and promoting such educational programs and has many successful programs to it’s credit.
We hope to reach out to more and more students & universities, and foster closer relations and better understanding between countries and the world.
Dr. Partha Sarathi Ganguli
Chief Mentor